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LSU Geaux Teach STEM Master Teacher Rebecca Nguyen Wins Dr. Marion D. “Soc” Socolofsky Award for Teaching Excellence

Rebecca Nguyen photograph

Rebecca Nguyen, a Master Teacher in the LSU Geaux Teach program, was recently awarded the Dr. Marion D. “Soc” Socolofsky Award for Teaching Excellence. Nguyen holds a BS degree in mathematics and a Master’s degree in Natural Sciences from LSU. She previously taught a variety of math classes at the Iberville Parish’s Math & Science Academy East, where she was honored as Teacher of the Year.

Since joining the GeauxTeach program in 2019, Nguyen has been teaching introductory and advanced courses in pedagogy and mathematics principles. Additionally, she mentors students in their field experiences, supervises the GeauxTeach student organization, and uses social media to spread the word about the program.

Nguyen is highly regarded by her nominator for her patient guidance and skill in helping students understand mathematics and become great teachers themselves. Her colleagues describe her as an exemplary leader in the program, and her former students appreciate the practical skills she imparts and her ability to bridge the science of learning with classroom implementation. We congratulate Rebecca on this well-deserved recognition!

Story contributed by: 
Dr. James Madden, The Patricia Hewlett Bodin Distinguished Professor in Mathematics at LSU,  Director of Special Programs & Geaux Teach Co-Director in the LSU College of Science, and Associate Director of the LSU Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM Literacy.