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LASTEM's Definition for STEM Education


The LASTEM Advisory Council achieved a significant milestone during their 4th Quarterly Meeting on December 7, 2023. An agreement upon a definition that encapsulates the essence of STEM education sets the stage for a transformative approach to learning in Louisiana.

Introducing this crucial definition, LASTEM solidified its commitment to an integrated learning experience that spans scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts. The definition explicitly outlines STEM education's focus on cultivating critical thinking, analysis, and collaboration skills crucial for every Louisiana citizen, emphasizing their real-world applicability.

"STEM education, as defined by the Louisiana STEM Advisory Council (LASTEM), is an integrated approach to learning about scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts and processes as well as their application in careers and in life. STEM education cultivates critical thinking, analysis, and collaboration skills applicable in real-world contexts, which is critical for all Louisiana citizens. It emphasizes dynamic, hands-on, experiential learning across the STEM spectrum, enabling students to creatively solve real-world problems through innovative design thinking. Skills developed through STEM prepare learners for success by providing authentic experiences relevant to 21st-century life and work."

This definition highlights LASTEM's dedication to hands-on, experiential learning that enables students to creatively solve real-world problems through innovative design thinking. Such skills, as the definition underscores, are vital for success in 21st-century life and work.

From this framework, we can envision a future where STEM education is both an academic pursuit and a practical tool for navigating the challenges of an ever-changing world. The definition becomes a cornerstone for grants and initiatives, propelling Louisiana towards a future where STEM education is fundamental to individual and collective success. In shaping the future of education, LASTEM's defined vision for STEM provides a roadmap for progress and innovation.