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Celebrating Excellence: Baton Rouge's Atlas Tigers Robotics Team

Members of the Atlas Tigers Robotics Team.

The Atlas Tigers Robotics Team, a group of exceptional middle school students led by high school mentors from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has consistently excelled in the First Lego League Robotics competitions, showcasing their talent and dedication to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Their journey is about more than robotics; it's a story of perseverance, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence. 


Last year, the Atlas Tigers made their mark on the national stage by finishing in the top 15 out of 70 teams from across the United States and 20 countries at the Massachusetts nationals. This year, they continue to uphold their legacy of success by securing 3rd place overall and 1st place in the robot game category for two consecutive years at the state level. 

Their achievements are not merely accolades; they represent countless hours of hard work, problem-solving, and collaboration. These young innovators have demonstrated that with passion and determination, anything is possible. They have become role models for their peers and inspirations for their community. 

As they prepare to represent Baton Rouge once again at the upcoming First Lego League Robotics national competition in Massachusetts, the Atlas Tigers need our support. To help them fulfill their dream of competing on the national stage and showcasing their talents to the world, a fundraising campaign with a goal of $10,000 is the next big step. 

Your contribution will make a significant difference in their journey. By supporting the Atlas Tigers Robotics Team, you are not only investing in their future but also empowering the next generation of STEM leaders. Every donation, no matter the size, will directly contribute to covering their travel and accommodation costs, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their pursuit of excellence. 


Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of the Atlas Tigers Robotics Team and help them continue their extraordinary journey. Together, we can inspire and empower young minds to reach for the stars and make a lasting impact in the world of STEM. 


To donate and support the Atlas Tigers Robotics Team, please visit this link.


Thank you for your generosity and belief in the power of education and innovation. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these talented young individuals and pave the way for a brighter future for our community and beyond.