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Face the STEM Gap Event

Face the STEM Gap

200 High school girls participating in the event will have a chance to enter a random drawing to win $500 to apply toward their own STEM education. 

Wednesday, September 15  |  Register Now by Email

Olay is committed to doubling the number of women in STEM and tripling the number of women of color in STEM by 2030. Olay, partnering with Million Women Mentors, will host a live, virtual event [9/15 @ 6PM Central] featuring an exceptional panel of women in STEM - who will share their experiences pursuing a STEM education and career and offer words of encouragement.

How to participate - 

  • Register to attend one of the panel events + complete the pre-event survey.
  • Join the event at your scheduled time and complete the post-event survey.
  • Enter to win $500 toward your STEM education. 

For fun - check out Olay's Face of STEM page [It features a young woman from the Capital region who is passionately pursuing a career in space - Alyssa Carson]