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New! DNA Decoded Virtual Field Trip for Grades 6–12

Announcement depicting a seahorse swimming under water with the words DNA decoded. Announcement reads, “Genomics: Decoding the Language of Life Virtual Field Trip, Thursday, September 15, at 1:00 PM ET, Discovery Education Illumina Corporate Foundation.

Genomics: Decoding the Language of Life Virtual Field Trip for Grades 6–12

Premieres September 15 | 12:00 PM CST 
Grades 6-12

Genomics: Decoding the Language of Life introduces students to real-world experts mobilizing the genetic “code” to improve everything from medicine to agriculture to sustainability. Find genomics activities and curriculum for sparking student interest ahead of the premiere. 

Transport your students to the Illumina labs in San Diego, California where you will meet real-world experts who are harnessing the power of the genome to improve lives and support the Earth’s natural resources.

Can’t make the live premiere? No problem! You can always watch the Virtual Field Trip on-demand at any time following the premiere date.

In the meantime, check out these ready-to-go, standards-aligned educator resources from DNA Decoded, where your students will crack the genomic code and apply it to real-world problems!