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Free Coastal Career Workshops for High School & Early College

brown pelican swimming in coastal Louisiana waters

On December 4th, the Restore America’s Estuary Conference will be held in New Orleans.

Each year The Coastal Society (TCS) provides an advance event in honor of Margaret Davidson, a dynamic and an outstanding coastal leader. In the past the program was offered to upper class college students and post grads who are further along on the “Coastal Career.” This year the workshop will include a separate track for our “Coastal Futures” exclusively for 11–12th graders and college undergraduates.

Note that pace is limited for this program and the MAD committee seeks participation from outstanding upper level high school students. Please share this information with any students you know are interested in the processes, ecosystems, career options surrounding coastal Louisiana. These may be students in a class you teach, who are counselors in one of your summer programs, who have done research for or related to SEF projects.

Discover more about the workshop program and registration information on the TCS website.