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Louisiana Researchers: NASA EPSCoR Pre-Proposal Process Now Open

The image is the logo of the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE). Surrounding the map, the words "LOUISIANA SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM" are written in a blue, curved font, and below the map, "LaSPACE" is written in bold red letters.

The Louisiana NASA EPSCoR program is inviting submissions for the FY 2024 pre-proposal process, with a strict timeline that all potential proposers must adhere to. This process is crucial for identifying and refining the Louisiana submission that will compete at the national level for NASA funding. It is important to note that before a pre-proposal can be submitted, proposers are required to submit a Notice of Intent by Thursday, September 19, 2024. This step is essential to ensure that there is ample time to select and refine the state’s proposal. While the current schedule is fixed, adjustments may be made if NASA revises its deadlines.

The FY 2024 Louisiana Board of Regents (LA BoR) NASA EPSCoR Pre-Proposal Solicitation was officially issued on August 8, 2024. Following this, proposers have until October 10, 2024, to submit any questions they may have to the Board of Regents. Pre-proposals are due by October 17, 2024, with an anticipated selection announcement scheduled for December 2024. Successful pre-proposals will then proceed to the final proposal stage, with submissions to NASA expected by January 2025.

All relevant documents for this solicitation, including the Notice of Intent form, pre-proposal template, and budget form, are available for download in both Word and PDF formats. These documents, along with critical supporting resources such as the preliminary draft of the FY25 NASA Research Priorities, can be accessed through the Louisiana NASA EPSCoR website. Additional resources will be posted as they become available, including the FY2024 NASA EPSCoR solicitation, ensuring that proposers have the most current information at their disposal.

The NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is a key initiative that aims to enhance research capabilities and stimulate economic growth in participating jurisdictions. Each year, the program invites proposals that align with NASA’s strategic research and technology development priorities. These proposals not only contribute to the advancement of science and technology but also support higher education and research infrastructure in the participating states. In Louisiana, the selection of the state’s proposal is conducted by an independent, external review committee appointed by the Louisiana Board of Regents.

Historically, NASA has funded these EPSCoR projects at $750,000 each over a three-year period, with a 1:1 match provided by the Board of Regents. The number of projects funded each year varies depending on NASA’s budget. For more information on the submission process, important deadlines, and to access the necessary documents, please visit the Louisiana NASA EPSCoR website at

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